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The structure and significance of BESS
发布时间:2022-10-18   文章来源:李锦东   

What's the material composition ofBESS.BESS mainly consists of battery system (BS), power conversion system(PCS), battery management system (BMS), monitoring system and other fourparts. 


1.The battery system is the main carrierfor BESS to realize the storage and release of electric energy, and the sizeand operating state of its capacity are directly related to the energyconversion ability of BESS and its safety and reliability.

2.PCS is a power-electronic conversiondevice that connects the battery system to the AC grid and is a key componentof BESS's energy exchange with the outside world.

3.BMS is a real-time monitoring systemcomposed of electronic circuit equipment, which can effectively monitor variousstates of the battery system (voltage, current, temperature, charge state,health state, etc.), safely manage the charging and discharging process of thebattery system (such as preventing overcharge, over-discharge management),alarm and emergency protection treatment of possible faults in the batterysystem, and optimize the operation of the battery system, and ensure the safe,reliable and stable operation of the battery system.

4.The basic functions of the monitoringsystem include: measurement and monitoring function, data processing function,analysis and statistics function, operation control function, event alarmfunction, protection management function, man-machine interface function,accident recall and historical inversion function, historical data managementfunction, remote movement and forwarding function, system maintenance function.


This equipment can be applied to industrialparks, parks, communication base stations, islands, military camps, port shorepower, subways, ETC gates as backup power sources or other areas that lackpower.This device is both efficient and reliable. The priority power supplyorder of battery power and mains power can be set. Under the mains poweroutage, 4ms no gap is switched to this power supply, and the power is neverstopped. System assembly is flexible, simple and diverse.


At present, it is the European energycrisis, coupled with the arrival of autumn and winter, the issue of power supplyand heating has become a topic that European people cannot avoid. BESS was bornfor this purpose, and its characteristics make it the best choice for Europeanpeople in the absence of electricity. At present, we Guangdong Multifit Solaris stepping up the production of BESS products to meet the huge needs ofEuropean customers. Our products will live up to expectations and enableEuropeans to survive this cold winter.

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