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A Meaningful Sale Actually Coming from a Daily Normal Inquiry
发布时间:2022-11-4   文章来源:北众-张浩(Alex)   

At the beginning of June this year, a well-known French Company bought our five sets of solar panel cleaning brushes. 


This French Company with a history of more than 100 years. Its predecessor was founded in 1899 byALEXANDRE GIROS and LOUISLOUCHEUR, two engineers who graduated from Paris Polytechnic University. It is a listed company on the Paris Stock Exchange andalso the world's largest contractor, construction and related service company(Engineering News Record ranked first in the world in 2002). 


The Employee from the office of this Company in Shanghai, China, sent us an email with an inquiry for Solar Panel Cleaning Brush. I give detailed and patient answers to her questions about our cleaning brushes. Meanwhile, I would also like to thank all our colleagues whoever has already contributed to this order. Thanks for Everyone efforts andcontributions. So, these five sets of cleaning brushes in this order can bedelivered to customer hands on time. In order to meet the requirements of lithiumbatteries during the transportation, they can be transported smoothly. Engineer Zhong made corresponding modifications to the interface between the lithium battery and the telescopic rod. Therefore, in this way, it can be smoothly transported to customer.


The customer received our cleaning brushand is very satisfied with the quality, the feeling and the efficiency of ourcleaning brush after the use. When I had heard this from the customers, I felt satisfied and our efforts were worth it. It is so prominent for us to extend our solar panel cleaning equipment in French, Middle West, African and South Asian markets.  


According to the development trend of thephotovoltaic cleaning industry, we will seize this opportunity to further develop more varity of cleaning equipments. To make our products further enter this global market and make us a leading supplier and a banner in the photovoltaic cleaning industry.

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