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Barren hills and slopes transform into photovoltaic power stations
发布时间:2022-11-10   文章来源:北京众能-李建国   

Photovoltaic power stations are suitablefor construction in various terrains, plains, roofs and mountains. Many of themountains are land that cannot be cultivated, and the utilization rate isrelatively low. The construction of photovoltaic power stations is to greatlyimprove the utilization rate. This is because the concept of "green water andgreen mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains" is graduallygaining popularity and developing the new energy industry of photovoltaic powergeneration. Today, many photovoltaic projects in mountains have been built andconnected to the grid for power generation, which not only ensures the safetyof regional electricity use, It also lights up the villagers' green life.

In autumn and winter, the photovoltaicpower station looks up from a high place. Rows of blue photovoltaic panels onthe mountain top are scattered all over the mountain ridge, glittering in thesunlight, transforming the light energy source into electricity and deliveringit to thousands of households.

For the long-term use of mountain powerstations, the pollution of natural wind and sand is a common phenomenon. Inorder to keep the photovoltaic power station generating power and generatingmore power, to ensure that the surface of the modules is clean, free of dust,bird droppings and other pollutants, so that they can fully generateelectricity and maximize the electricity income, the cleaning of photovoltaicmodules is essential every year.

The MULTIFIT cleaning robot and solarcleaning brush of MULTIFIT PV can be used for cleaning huge power stations,such as mountain PV power stations, which cover a large area and have a largenumber of modules. They can be divided into different areas according to thespecific situation of the power station according to the cleaning work of thePV power station. The front of the modules must be cleaned by professionalcleaning equipment, increasing the power generation efficiency by 8% to 30%.

Each photovoltaic power station is like theflower of the motherland, which needs careful care in the later period. Thesolar photovoltaic cleaning robot and solar cleaning brush of MULTIFIT PV arelike the mother of a photovoltaic power station, caring for her children tomake the photovoltaic power station run better.

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