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The Trend of Photovoltaic Power Generation • Photovoltaic Cleaning is Imperative
发布时间:2023-4-10   文章来源:   

In recent years, the conflict betweenRussia-Ukraine conflict has intensified, and some countries in the world haveexperienced energy crisis. People from all over the world have graduallyrealized the importance of renewable energy. In view of this, on April 2, 2023,the 18th China Renewable Energy Academic Conference Photovoltaic Branchofficially opened in Nanjing! The China Renewable Energy Society PhotovoltaicProfessional Committee released the "2023 China Photovoltaic TechnologyDevelopment Report" at the opening ceremony. The "2023 ChinaPhotovoltaic Technology Development Report" (hereinafter referred to asthe report) was initiated and chaired by the China Renewable Energy SocietyPhotovoltaic Professional Committee in 2015. The report is positioned as animportant reference for guiding the development of the industry's technicalroute, and is committed to building a domestic annual photovoltaic science andtechnology public information brand, presenting a panorama of China'sphotovoltaic technology as complete as possible for the Chinese photovoltaicindustry.


In this social context, the domesticphotovoltaic product industry has sprung up like mushrooms after rain, andBeijing Multifit Electric Technology Co., Ltd. is one of them. Beijing MultifitElectric Company focuses on creating its own photovoltaic products, which notonly brings convenience to domestic customers but also many other foreigncustomers. The products produced by the company mainly include solar panelcleaning brushes, cleaning robots, and so on.


The solar cleaning brush is an electricwater brush specially made by the company for cleaning solar panels. The singlehead cleaning brush can be used to clean small area solar panels, while thedouble head cleaning brush can achieve dual speed and convenient cleaning.Cleaning brushes are also suitable for cleaning high-altitude exterior walls,billboards, and glass roofs. The brush head has an outlet, and when the brushhead rotates, water will flow out. Moreover, the telescopic rod comes in threedifferent lengths for customers to choose from. In order to meet the differentneeds of customers for the product. According to the same principle, there arethree types of power supply methods for cleaning brushes, namely the mainstype, lithium battery type, and dual power supply type, to meet the differentneeds of customers and enable them to clean solar panels anywhere outdoors. Themost attractive thing is its lithium battery. The company's self-designedlithium battery is not considered very heavy, but can be carried around in abackpack.


If the solar cleaning brush is designed forcleaning small area solar panels, then the cleaning robot is a cleaning robotdeveloped for cleaning components in large and medium-sized photovoltaic powerplants. It can clean 200 to 1000 photovoltaic modules (with a horizontaldistance of up to 800 meters) and control multiple photovoltaic arrays. Thephotovoltaic arrays are connected using bridge rails to ensure that the robotcan walk along the bridge rails. Its motor is powered by a battery, which ischarged through its own photovoltaic panel, eliminating the need for on-sitewiring.


The above is the introduction of twoproducts. If you are interested in our company, you can leave us a message.Thank you.

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