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How to clean the home power station the most worry-free? Teach you how to easily increase the power
发布时间:2023-5-4   文章来源:陈佳美(jasmine)   

With the popularity of distributedphotovoltaic, more and more families are choosing to install photovoltaic powerstations. But then there will also be some maintenance problems: how to cleanthe photovoltaic panels? How often do you wash it for once? Listen to so manypeople say that the board is fragile and easy to crack, what tools to clean thebest?


First of all, we should understand, is itnecessary to clean the electric plate? Many people have this question, thinkthat they do not clean for a month or two, the power generation has not fallenmuch. This idea is one-sided, the research results show that: often cleanedphotovoltaic panels, the power generation in the western region increased by 3%-7%, and 3% -5% in the eastern region.

The income of photovoltaic power station isa process of accumulating over a long period of time and a little makes a lot,while the number of panels loaded by the household power station itself is notmuch, and the cleaning and maintenance costs are relatively low. After regularcleaning and maintenance components, the improvement in power generation isbound to be significant.


How to do the cleaning work of photovoltaicpanels correctly and efficiently?

Observations are important

Whether the electric plate needs to becleaned, you can observe at a glance. If there is only dust, simply rinse orscrub; if there is obvious shelter such as leaves , more timely and meticuloustreatment is needed to avoid damage to the "hot spot effect".

The choice of tools

In addition to the automatic sprinklersystem, the home distributed photovoltaic power station is basically manualcleaning. Then the choice of cleaning tools is very important, high-pressurewater gun, clean soft brush or cotton mop, dishwashing liquid or soap, cleangauze. These tools themselves are cheaper, and can greatly improve the cleaningefficiency and save time.

Cleaning steps

Only a small amount of dust, only with ahigh-pressure water gun for simple washing or brushing can be;In the case ofsand, mud and other particles, then scrub to avoid the leaves and floating ashon the plates; cleaned with soft brush, and oily objects, cleaned with cleangauze and combined with detergent and soapy water for cleaning.

matters need attention

Ground power stations and rooftop powerstations with sufficient space are very convenient to clean up. However, in theflat roof and tile roof surface with no movable space, the high-pressure watergun plays a very important role in the cleaning, efficient and safe. However,in the process of using high-pressure water gun, we should pay attention to thepressure of high-pressure water gun. Excessive water pressure may cause damageto the panel, and there is a risk of hidden crack.

(1) The best cleaning time is to choose inthe morning, evening or night, avoid the high temperature period such as noon,so as not to damage the components, especially the electric plate;

(2) cleaning should pay attention to theprotection of their own safety, pay attention to sharp components and leakagerisks;

(3) It is strictly prohibited to clean instrong wind, heavy rain and snow days, which is easy to cause dirtaccumulation;

(4) It is strictly prohibited to use hardobjects and sharp objects to directly contact the photovoltaic panels. Beforecleaning with soft brush and gauze, it should check whether they are clean toavoid scratching the power panels;

(5) It is strictly prohibited to step on photovoltaicpanels, supports and other modules, This behavior is easy to damage themodules, the gain is not worth the loss.

According to the results of the study,combined with the local rainfall situation, the cleaning cycle in November,December and January is generally once a month, and the rest of the months isusually twice a month. And in some windy, gray areas, they need to increase thefrequency according to the situation. The income of photovoltaic power stationis closely related to the intention of maintenance. The high frequency cleaningof household power station will undoubtedly cause too much burden to theinstaller.


Therefore, according to local conditions,more observation is to let oneself save worry and effort improve the income ofthe only choice.In order to solve the cleaning problem, the Multifit companyrecently developed a product solar energy cleaning brush, the product issuitable for a variety of scenes, solar panel cleaning, high-rise exteriorwalls, billboards, etc., brush head Angle and telescopic rod can be adjusted bythemselves, nylon material is soft and durable. Automatic water washingfunction can effectively remove dirt, dust and other attachments. At the sametime, the high speed motor can make cleaning easier. When the brush headrotates, the water will automatically flow out and can be used.


Multifit, a national high-tech enterprisecommitted to the research and development, production and sales of solar powergeneration as well as green energy and photovoltaic power station constructionservices, you deserve to believe! All enjoy the sun, can benefit all!

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