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Solar Panel Cleaning Robot- Suitable for Various Solar Arrays
发布时间:2023-5-12   文章来源:   

After the completion of the solar powerplant, the cleaning of solar panels is a part of the maintenance of the solar system.With the continuous increase in solar installation, this demand is alsobecoming more apparent.


The surface of solar panels is mostly madeof tempered glass material. Although tempered glass has high strength, it isnot acid or alkali resistant. When encountering wet acidic or alkaline dust fora long time, the glass surface will be corroded. At the same time, due to thereflection, scattering, and absorption of solar radiation by the dust on thesurface of the module, it will reduce the transmittance of the sun, reduce thesolar radiation received by the panel, and subsequently reduce the outputpower.


The cleanliness of the solar panel largelydetermines the efficiency of power generation. Data shows that the cleaned solarpanel can increase its power generation efficiency by 20-30%. Therefore, cleaningsolar panels has become an important aspect of solar system maintenance.


Traditional solar cleaning method mainly aredry cleaning or water washing by manual, or by using high-pressure cleaningvehicles. It is difficult to clean, inefficient, and costly, and can easilycause water resource waste and damage solar panels.


Multifit Solar had developed many differentkinds of cleaning robots suitable for different kinds of solar arrays. It’sincluded Tracing Robot, Rail-Type Full Automatic Cleaner Car, 4-Wheel DriveRobot, Crawler-Type Robot. Our intelligent cleaning robot can automaticallydetect, track, locate, communicate, and control groups, meeting the needs ofvarious equipment control and management.


These robots not only can perform regularautomatic cleaning without manual duty, but also operates at night with afreely set frequency. The solar panel can be cleaned regularly according to thesite environment, and can thoroughly remove dust and dirt on the surface ofcomponents to improve power generation efficiency.

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