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Convenience brought by the photovoltaic energy storage system
发布时间:2023-5-15   文章来源:   

Solar energy is known around the world is aclean and reliable new energy, since the discovery of solar energy people havebeen studying the solar energy can bring convenience and help to people toderive a lot of benefit of human equipment, from the most basic solar panels tolarge solar power station to solar energy system and matching cleaningequipment.


Use solar energy is becoming a new trend,from developing countries to developed countries are vigorously advocating theuse of solar energy, from tall cities to remote mountainous areas and desert,high altitude areas can also find solar energy, as long as there is the solararea can build solar system and power station to help the local people's life.


The Audjo Solar Power Station in France isthe first in the world to achieve solar power generation. Although it couldonly generate 64 kilowatts at the time, it laid the foundation for the researchand design of solar power plants, which led the world to develop solar powerplants and energy storage systems.


Optical storage system, also known as solarphotovoltaic energy storage and power generation system, is a power generationsystem composed of photovoltaic equipment and energy storage equipment.

In particular, the optical storage systemcan help people in remote areas, cold and desert areas to realize freeelectricity consumption, and the optical storage system can not only operateaway from the grid, but also connect to the mains power for grid operation. Itcan not only meet residents' own electricity needs, but also reverse the excesselectricity generated to the national grid.


The optical storage system includes: solarpanels, controller, inverter, battery pack, junction box, the power generatedby the solar panels through the cable to the junction box to arrange thecircuit, and then from the junction box to the controller, and then passed bythe controller to the battery to charge the battery. At night, when there is nosun, the inverter can convert the electricity in the battery into normal life.


Therefore, according to the history ofsolar energy, we can know that the development of solar energy is very rapid,and it only took a very short time from discovery to popularization. In recentyears, the country has vigorously promoted the development of photovoltaicindustry, and encouraged residents to build small solar energy storage systemsand power stations independently. Thus reducing the consumption of oil andenergy. There are also many places to subsidize and support under the nationalpolicy. Since its establishment in 2009, the company has been committed to thedevelopment and use of new energy, independent research and production of solarenergy saving and environmental protection products, electronic equipment,electrical equipment, LED lighting, photovoltaic modules, technicalconsultation, machinery and transmission control equipment; solar powerequipment system integration; goods import and export, technology import andexport, agency import and export; equipment installation and export;maintenance; sales of solar equipment, energy saving and environmentalprotection products, lamps, mechanical equipment and spare parts, electronicproducts, electrical equipment, engineering design, etc. Experience ininstalling multiple installed solar power stations. And it involves all overthe world, from Africa to Australia, from Europe to Asia. In the 2022 World Cupin Qatar, Our cleaning robots in Qatar to help Qatar clean up countless solarpanels.

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