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Disrupting tradition with technology, making cleaning convenient and fast
发布时间:2023-9-6   文章来源:   

June ushers in a hot summer, andphotovoltaic power plants also experience a peak cleaning season, As thesurface of photovoltaic module is easy to attach fine dust particles, rust,dust and other pollutants, the light transmittance is reduced, thus reducingthe power generation efficiency.These pollutants attach to photovoltaicmodules, and even cause hot spot effect, resulting in burning of modules. Theimpact of pollution on power generation efficiency is becoming more and moreserious. In China, many power plants still suffer from the problem of difficultcleaning of photovoltaic panels, causing huge economic losses for power plantowners. In response to such difficulties, conventional cleaning is difficult toquickly solve. And there are occasional cleaning methods where cleaningpersonnel trample on photovoltaic modules, which brings great work pressure tothe operation and maintenance personnel of the power station. If supervision isnot in place and cleaning personnel step on the photovoltaic module, it willcause cracking and damage, which will affect the power generation and lifespanof the module. To address the above issues, efficient and intelligent cleaningtechnology solutions can only be achieved through fully automatic cleaningequipment, reducing manpower, and achieving rapid and comprehensive automaticcleaning. MULTIFIT Company is a professional company with the ability toprovide these services.


Why does the problem of stepping on solar panelto clean them always occur?The main reason is the assessment standards and charging methods! Theinspection and assessment standard for manual cleaning is whether the surfaceof the component is clean, but there is no inspection or assessment for whetherit causes hidden cracks or damage to the component and affects the powergeneration of the power plant. Therefore, in order to facilitate work, thecleaning personnel have support under their feet and upper limbs to exert upperstrength, so they stand on the surface of the component to work, which makesthe cleaning speed fast, clean, and easy to meet inspection standards. Inaddition, as the payment method for cleaning is based on the number of cleanedcomponents, cleaning personnel do not need to consider the post cleaningmatters, but only focus on the number of cleaned components.


Automated cleaning equipment is aneffective solution to stepping on components. How to solve the problem ofstepping on components? To fundamentally solve the problem, MULTIFIT MULTIFIT Companyhas developed a series of automated cleaning equipment. Company has madebreakthrough progress in the research and development of automated cleaningequipment, achieving true automation, simple use, strong adaptability, goodreliability, and high intelligence, bringing new changes to the cleaning andmaintenance of photovoltaic power stations. MULTIFIT Company had developed manydifferent kinds of cleaning robots suitable for different solar powerstations.Its included Tracking Robot, Rail-type Full Automatic CleanerCar,4-wheel Drive Robot,Crawler-type Robot and Semi-automatic Solar CleaningBrush. MULTIFIT Company had set up Smart Remote Control and Management CloudPlatform for our patent cleaning robot.In the process of intelligent cleaning,robots can automatically detect, track, locate, communicate and control groups,to meet the demands of different kinds of devices control and management.


MULTIFIT Company's automated cleaningequipment can be described as "three highs", which refer to highcleaning efficiency, high technological content, and high cost-effectiveness.MULTIFIT Company uses its independently developed MR-G1 series of automatedcleaning equipment and manual remote control equipment cleaning solution,greatly improving cleaning efficiency. Not only does it avoid the problem ofstepping on the surface of components for cleaning, but it also greatly reduceslabor intensity and realizes the transformation of cleaning personnel from"manual worker" to "skilled worker". In addition, thecleaning quality of automated cleaning equipment is comparable to that ofmanually held electric roller brushes, which can remove stubborn stains on thesurface of components!


It is worth emphasizing that the deviceadopts a large width walking track, which improves walking stability andclimbing ability, while also reducing the pressure on the photovoltaic moduleper unit area. It can be cleaned more efficiently. It has a special brush,which can clean more cleanly. A single machine can clean 1.2MWp/day, and hasgood barrier crossing performance. It has certain barrier passing ability suchas slope, step, dislocation, etc. After cleaning, it will improve the powergeneration efficiency of solar panels by 8% -30%.


MULTIFIT Company, out of its confidence initself and responsibility to customers, links the quality of power stationcleaning to the revenue of power generation, closely cooperate with the powerstation operation and maintenance unit and business, and take improving thepower generation efficiency of photovoltaic power stations as the work goal!Drive technological progress in the entire photovoltaic power station cleaning,operation and maintenance industry, improve traditional business models, andmake positive contributions to the healthy development of China's photovoltaicindustry. The cleaning equipment demonstrated efficient and safe cleaningmeasures, improved power generation efficiency, and played a positive role inpromoting the construction of safety standards in the photovoltaic industry.

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